Monday, June 9, 2014

Physics Project Final Reflection

I learned about physics mainly. I knew almost nothing about physics before we started this because in my past schools and last year we didn't do much with physics so I didn't really know anything about it. So I learned about energy and most importantly how energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred, I learned Newtons Laws and what each one is, and I learned about G Force and where to find the two kinds on a rollercoaster. I liked how this project was almost completely hands on. We had to build a rollercoaster from scratch, just using reusable materials. I thought it was a great way to learn about physics and definitely kept me interested. If I could improve my project I would probably start it at a higher level, than we did now. It was a bit low who we had to go all the way down to the floor and even then work up when we were about 3/4's of the way through.

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