Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Physics Project Reflection #2

The pros of using tape for the project is that it's easy to use and we can get tape almost anywhere. The cons of using tape is that tape won't hold everything, and as time goes on it may stop holding things together. While we were working on our loop we had a bit of a problem with too little energy. We couldn't get the marble to make the full trip in the loop. So we had to adjust the track before the loop to give the marble more energy to make sure it would make the loop. I feel pretty good about the progress we've made, we are getting pretty far with building but we still have to decorate it and make sure our theme is prominent. What's been is that it seems that almost every time we come to work during class our loop that has been stuck to the table is moved or pushed over. Seeing our project actually working and succeeding almost all the time is pretty cool and every time the loop works perfectly with energy still left over to keep moving is great.


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